Tracking saltwater crocodiles on the Wenlock River, Cape York, Queensland, Australia 2014-15

GPS location data from GPS/PTT tagged adult crocodiles.

5 animals from 2014-09-04 to 2016-01-25
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Project Summary


Crocodylus porosus
Salt-water Crocodile, Estuarine Crocodile, Saltwater Crocodile


Wenlock River, Cape York, Queensland, Australia

Date Range

2014-09-04 to 2016-01-25


5 animals

Spatial Reference System


Open Access

The data in this project is publicly available under a Creative Commons Attribution License. If you use these data in any type of publication then you must cite the project DOI (if available) or any published peer-reviewed papers associated with the study. We strongly encourage you to contact the data custodians to discuss data usage and appropriate accreditation.

Rights Statement
Copyright: The University of Queensland
