ECOCEAN Whale Shark Race Around the World

Whale shark tracking project involving schools around Western Australia

12 animals from 2015-07-18 to 2016-04-09
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Project Summary


Rhincodon typus
Whale Shark


Ningaloo Marine Park, Western Australia

Date Range

2015-07-18 to 2016-04-09


12 animals

Spatial Reference System


Open Access

The data in this project is publicly available under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License. If you use these data in any type of publication then you must cite the project DOI (if available) or any published peer-reviewed papers associated with the study. We strongly encourage you to contact the data custodians to discuss data usage and appropriate accreditation.



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  1. Reynolds SD, Norman BM, Beger M, Franklin CE, Dwyer RG. Movement, distribution and marine reserve use by an endangered migratory giant. Divers Distrib. 2017;23:1268–1279. [Link]