Tracking two rehabilitated green turtles off Eastern Australia using satellite tags

Two turtles trapped in crab pot float lines were found by members of the public and admitted to Australia Zoo wildlife hospital. They underwent rehabilitation and had their front flippers amputated due to necrosis. Upon release they were fitted with Argos satellite transmitters to determine their movements and survival potential.

2 animals from 2010-06-06 to 2011-07-26
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Project Summary


chelonia mydas
green turtle


South East Queensland

Date Range

2010-06-06 to 2011-07-26


2 animals

Spatial Reference System


Open Access

The data in this project is publicly available under a . If you use these data in any type of publication then you must cite the project DOI (if available) or any published peer-reviewed papers associated with the study. We strongly encourage you to contact the data custodians to discuss data usage and appropriate accreditation.

Rights Statement
The data is the property of the University of Queensland. Permission is required to use this material.
